Gets all employee information including risk scores, security IQ scores, and badge scores.

Response FIelds Explained:

  • EmailAddress: The email address associated to the employee.
  • FirstName: The employee's first name.
  • LastName: The employee's last name.
  • JobTitle: The employee's job title.
  • Company: The employee's company name.
  • ActiveEmployee: The true or false status on whether the employee is still active (i.e. present in atleast one employee group).
  • EmployeeGroups: A list of employee groups that the employee is listed within.
  • RiskScore: The phish risk score associated to this employee (between 0.00 and 1.00)
  • SecurityIQScore: The security IQ score associated to this employee (between 0.00 and 1.00)
  • OverallBadgeScore: The badge score associated
  • BadgesUnlocked: The list of badges this employee has unlocked.
    • BadgeID: The ID associated to this badge.
    • BadgeDate: The date this badge was unlocked.
    • BadgeName: The name of the badge that was unlocked.
    • BadgeDescription: The description of the badge that was unlocked.
    • BadgeImage: The URL of the image associated to this badge.
    • BadgeType: The type of badge this is (i.e. Phishing or Training).
    • BadgeScore: The score associated to this badge.
  • DarkWebBreachFound: True or false status on whether this employee has been found in a dark web data breach.
  • DarkWebBreachNotified: The true or false status on whether this employee has been notified about being involved in a dark web data breach.
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